sweet almond tree seeds

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Introduction to the sweet almond tree: The almond tree, which reaches a height of 8 meters, is a beautiful tree that has been cultivated since ancient times in the central and western regions of Asia, especially in Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, and Palestine. The root of the almond tree is very strong. This tree can grow even with limited moisture. Its leaves are oval, thin, pointed, and green in color. Its flowers are very beautiful and pink in color. Almond blossoms appear in early spring.
The fruit of the almond tree is in the form of a drupe, the outer layer of which is green and covered with hair, inside which there is an almond with a hard shell. At the beginning of the formation of the fruit, the outer layer is green and fleshy, which is covered with hair and has not yet grown properly. This is called the green husk of the almond, which has special properties. After the almond ripens, the outer green layer gradually dries and its skin also becomes hard and woody, and the almond kernel grows inside it and is ready to be used. The almond kernel is oval and flat, with one side pointed. The almond kernel is inside a thin brown shell that can be separated with the help of hot water, which contains the white almond kernel inside. The almond kernel has a sweet and mild and delicious taste and is easily distinguished from bitter almonds. All parts of the sweet almond tree, such as its blossoms, leaves, and fruit, are used medicinally.
Chemical composition: Sweet almonds contain 50 to 55 percent oil. Almonds also contain 25 percent protein and diastase called Emulsine, sugar, gum, mucilage, and minerals.
The following substances are found in 100 grams of dried sweet almond kernels:
Water 4.7 grams, Energy 598 calories, Protein 18.6 grams, Unsaturated oils 2.54 grams, Starch 19.5 grams, Calcium 320 milligrams, Phosphorus 500 milligrams, Iron 4.7 milligrams, Potassium 770 milligrams, Vitamin B1 0.25 milligrams, Vitamin B2 0.9 milligrams, Vitamin B3 3.5 milligrams
Medicinal properties: Sweet almonds are considered slightly warm and moist in traditional Iranian medicine.
* Almonds have a laxative effect, and almond oil is anti-constipating. Almond oil can be used to relieve constipation in children.
* Almonds soften the chest.
* Almond milk is useful for relieving cough, throat discomfort, and shortness of breath and is expectorant.
* Almonds are useful for treating intestinal and bladder ulcers and diarrhea.
* Roasted almonds are stomachic and astringent.
* Almonds enhance sexual power and increase sperm production.
* Grind almonds and mix with honey; it is useful for liver pain and cough.
* Almond paste strengthens the gums and tooth roots.
* Almond paste is useful for dry mouth.
* Brew almond blossoms and use them as a laxative for children.
* The infusion of the brown skin of almond kernels is the best medicine for relieving pain and inflammation of the respiratory tract. (Consumption amount 5 grams in 100 grams of water)
* Decoction of almond tree leaves is useful for liver and gallbladder dysfunction.
* Almond oil is a hypnotic and eliminates insomnia.
* To clear the chest, soften the intestines, and eliminate dry cough, mix almond oil with sugar and tragacanth and eat it.
* Mix almond oil with warm water; it will be a good medicine for diarrhea and colic in children. In addition, this mixture removes bladder stones and makes urination easier.
* To treat gout and relieve curvature in the elderly, lubricate the vertebrae of the back with almond oil.
* Fresh almond leaves are laxative and anthelmintic.
* Dried almond leaves are astringent and eliminate diarrhea.
* Sweet almond oil is used in creams and ointments due to its emollient and anti-inflammatory properties.
* To cure chest diseases, mix sweet almond oil with the same weight of honey and one egg yolk to form a smooth paste, then add marshmallow decoction to it and eat a teaspoon of it every three hours.
* To relieve itchy skin in children with measles and scarlet fever, apply almond oil to all surfaces of their body. It relieves itching.
* Rubbing almond oil on the skin relieves inflammation and treats burns.
* Almond oil relieves eczema.

How to make almond oil: To obtain almond oil, after cleaning and drying, the almond kernels are crushed and made into a paste, and then they are pressed and the oil is extracted. This oil is called the first cold-pressed oil. The almond pulp remaining from the first press is subjected to heat and chemicals and the second press is obtained. Because almond oil is expensive, it is usually adulterated and mixed with other oils such as apricot kernel oil and peach kernel oil and sold as almond oil.
Almond blossoms and flowers: The flowers of the almond tree have a pleasant smell and a bitter taste.
Almond fruit peel: It is consumed in the form of a decoction. The method of preparation is as follows: pour 50 grams of sweet almond peels in a glass of water and boil for a few minutes, then strain it and consume it.
Almond leaves: To prepare a decoction of almond leaves, boil 50 grams of almond leaves in a glass of water and then strain.
Almond kernels: Usually consumed dried and raw or in a powdered form.
Almond milk: Almond milk is made from almond kernels. To prepare it, 50 grams of almond kernels are ground completely to form a powder. Then 50 grams of sugar is added to it and mixed with a glass of water to obtain a liquid like milk. Another type of almond milk is very useful for infants and children and can be a substitute for breast milk or a supplement, so it should be obtained by putting 50 grams of almonds in hot water for a few minutes to peel their skin. Then grind them and turn them into powder. Add a little water to it and mix until it forms a paste. Then mix the resulting paste with a glass of water and heat it with 50 grams of honey until the honey dissolves completely. This liquid is passed through a gauze cloth until a liquid like milk remains. But if an adult wants to use almond milk, it is not necessary to strain it. Another method that is easier is to pour 50 grams of peeled almonds into one liter of water and 50 grams of honey or sugar into an electric blender and blend until a liquid like milk is obtained.
Disadvantages: Almonds are very nutritious; therefore, they are a very good food. However, because they are heavy and difficult to digest, they should not be eaten excessively and their amount should not exceed ten grains per day. Almonds are also not good for weak and cold stomachs, and it is better for people with a weak stomach to eat almonds with sugar.