What is the scientific name of Shadegani leek:
Allium Iranicum
What is the purity percentage of Shadegani leek seeds:
98 percent
How much is the germination percentage of shadegani seeds:
85 percent
How many grams is the weight of a thousand leek seeds:
2.8 grams
How much light is the need for Shadegani leek plant:
Direct sun or partial shade
What are the characteristics of suitable soil for cultivating Shadegani leek seeds:
Light and well-drained, rich in organic matter, pH: 6-7
What season is the time to plant Shadegani leek seeds:
spring and summer
The appropriate temperature for the germination of Shadegani leek seeds is a few degrees Celsius:
15-20 degrees Celsius
In what season does Shadegani leek bloom:
mid spring
Shadegani leek plant is resistant to which environmental conditions:
Dryness and heat
What are the uses of leek plant:
Planting as an edible vegetable - planting as an ornamental flower