Ferula asafoetida hing seeds

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What is the scientific name of hing seeds:

Ferula assa-foetida

What are the other names of Ferula assa-foetida or hing:

Anghuzeh Herati, Shoshma, Korn Koma, Haltit

Introduction and economic value of  Ferula assa-foetida or hing plant:

The  Ferula assa-foetida or hing plant has a high economic value and more than 600 types of drugs and 60 types of herbicides can be obtained from its juice. By growing Anghuzeh plant, you can get an income equivalent to half of the income from oil, and each kilogram of this plant is sold in the market of countries Persian Gulf Arabic is sold for 6 dollars.

Ferula assa-foetida or hing medicinal plant flowers after seven years, and from each hectare, between 70 and 100 kilos of anghuzeh gum or sap are obtained.

How are the hing seeds cultivated:

The first method:

Direct sowing of bitter gourd seeds in closed holes and sacks:

In order to exploit the anguze, it is given by scythe at the place of the holes and three to four seeds are planted in it and covered with soil. The seed required in this method is about 1 kg per hectare. The advantage of this method is that the pits are a place to store water and more moisture is available to the seeds and plants.

The second method:


This method is performed in a land that is not too hard, and the seed must be spread evenly on the surface of the land, so as to prevent the denseness of the bushes after greening, and not to plant too thinly. Humidity 60-70% and temperature 12-15 degrees are suitable for germination. The best time to plant is before the rainy season.

 hing juice consists of what ingredients:

The high-quality type of Anghuzeh contains 62% resin, 25% gum, 3-7% essential oil, 1.28% ferulic acid and a very small amount of vanillin. Almost all Angouzeh gum contains terkibat di, teri, tetrasulfide derivatives of coumarin, feotidine and camulonephril, episamarkandin, amblyprenin and kaferrol. Researchers have identified several different compounds in the essential oil obtained from Anghuzeh sap, the most important components of which are myrcene, alpha and beta pinene.

How is hing juice collected and prepared:

hing is a plant sap that comes out of the neck area of ​​the plant by cutting the root or bottom of the stem or cutting the stem of productive plants. Every three days, white soft discharge accumulates, which becomes brown, hard and brittle when exposed to air, and after three months, the rhizome loses its vital power. Approximately 30-50 grams of gum are harvested from each stem. The taste of Anghuzeh is vague and bitter in some species, and it has a smell similar to the smell of garlic and is very spicy.

There are several types of hing juice and what are the ingredients of each one:

Tear or seed type:

The first sap collection without cutting the plant is the tear type. This gum comes out of the stem of the plant in a small amount in its natural state. This type of sap is the best and the rarest type of angouzeh, without dirt and dust, and it has a mostly flat and oval appearance, and it maintains its softness for a long time. In the vicinity of air, it quickly oxidizes and darkens. If it is broken, its cross-section turns white. It turns yellow. There is up to 15% essential oil in this anguze.

Mass type:

This type of sap comes out of the wound after cutting the gland of the plant (after the steps of preparing the plant) and is collected with special spatulas and has different colors of yellow, red, brown and gray-brown. Its hardness is higher than the tear type and more impure than that. So that there are pieces of roots and pieces of leaves found in it and its value is less than tear type.

Exploiting the stimulus includes the following four steps

1- The winding stage

2- Killing stage

3- Razor stage

4- Collection

When and how is the twisting step done:

This stage is done from the beginning to the end of May, when the leaves of the Anghuzeh bushes start to turn yellow. To perform this step, the whole plant and sometimes one of the leaves of the plant, which is bigger than the rest, is wrapped and a stone is placed on it to dry in the same way. The main reason for doing this step is not to lose the place of the plant and to speed up the storage of materials. Because at the end of May, the leaves of the plant are dry and scattered by the wind, making it impossible to identify usable plants. Each operator twists approximately a thousand bushes daily and this stage takes 4-5 days.

When and how to kill the stimulus:

At this stage, a hole with a depth of about 15 cm is dug around the root of the plant with a special pick so that at least 7 to 10 cm of the main root is visible. And then by hand, the fibers around the collar, which are the remnants of the previous year's leaf sheath, are separated and thrown away, and the plant is cut from the collar area (the place where rosette leaves grow). Then, the soft soil around the pit is poured around the mound so that the roots are protected from the proximity of dry air and the flow of plant sap is stopped. Then the canopy is placed again on the root of the soil, and a stone is placed on it. Each harvester kills about 200 plants a day. This stage lasts about 20 days.

When and how is the shaving step done:

In this stage, which lasts for two months, they remove the soft soil that was spilled in the root collar area with a shovel to expose the collar area. Then, using a special semi-circular blade (spatula) that is 20 cm long and 15 cm wide, a transverse cut with a thickness of 1 to 1.5 cm is made in a cross section at the top of the root, which is called the opening of the stump.  Then some of the same leaves are placed in the wound area using other nearby bushes so that the root is not exposed to sunlight.

Bag weight ten kg