Speedfeed sorghum seeds

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Specifications of Speed Feed fodder sorghum for inclusion in the national list of plant varieties of Iran

Common name of forage sorghum speed feed: forage sorghum

Scientific name of speed feed sorghum: Sorghum bicolor Moench

Fodder variety name: Speed Feed

Origin of Speed Feed fodder sorghum variety: Australia (Pacific Seeds Company)


Fodder sorghum flowers two months after planting and is an early flowering variety. Due to the amount of leaves and stems, it is suitable for livestock grazing, especially cows. At a height above one meter, the plant can be harvested from a height of 15 cm above the soil and the harvested fodder can be used as dry, wet and silage fodder. The amount of protein in this plant is 2 to 10%. The number of chins in this figure is about 3 to 5 chins per year. This variety is fast growing and its regrowth is fast after harvesting. In suitable conditions, it can grow up to 5 centimeters per day. If this plant is allowed to grow, it will quickly reach a height of 8 meters. Generally, the plants that reach a higher altitude have lower and more unsuitable conditions in terms of nutritional quality. Also, the amount of prussic acid in this variety is low. The suitable areas for the cultivation of the Speed Feed variety in Iran are the temperate and cold regions of the country, including Karaj, Shahrekord, Zanjan, Urmia, Sanandaj, Rasht. Sari, Hamedan and Mashhad.

Genealogy or breeding method of speed feed sorghum:

It has been produced in the country of origin through the hybridization of sorghum with Sudangrass, and in Iran, through introduction, it has attracted the attention of fodder producers in the country.

The year of introduction of Speed Feed fodder sorghum variety: 1372

Speedfed sorghum farm

The main characteristics of the Speed Feed sorghum variety, which expressed important agricultural/horticultural characteristics (performance, resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, quality values, etc.) at the time of the introduction of the variety:

1 - Being early

2- Grass type for direct grazing, fresh fodder and dry fodder

3- Having multiple folds (2-3 folds in one cropping season)

4- Ease of hybrid seed production due to its parent type

5- Susceptible to environmental stress

6- The yield of fresh fodder is 90-130 tons per hectare and the yield of dry fodder is 17-21 tons per hectare.

Regions or climates recommended for the cultivation of Speed Feed fodder sorghum:

Cold, temperate, hot, hot and humid, hot and dry areas

Benefits of planting fodder sorghum:

It has a high production capacity.

Its fodder is used in different ways. Therefore, it is not dependent on expensive facilities.

It can be harvested for silage.

Due to the occurrence of drought and the reduction of water resources that the cultivation of alfalfa and corn may face a challenge in many areas, in this case sorghum is the best option to supply the fodder needed by livestock.

Sorghum fodder can be used in four ways: silage, wet fodder, dry fodder and direct grazing, and this issue leaves the hands of producers and consumers open. For example, sorghum fodder can be converted into dry fodder instead of silage and used in times when fodder is scarce.

The quality of fodder sorghum is better than a number of similar plants.

Sorghum can be cultivated for the production of fresh fodder, dry fodder and direct grazing with different densities and different distances, and apart from silage harvesting, it can be cultivated and harvested with both traditional and mechanized tools.

The method of planting fodder sorghum:

The type of soil does not limit the cultivation of fodder sorghum and it can be cultivated from heavy to light soils. Of course, this plant has the highest production in heavy soils.

How to prepare the land for the cultivation of fodder sorghum:

1 - Deep plowing in early spring

2 - Surface plowing in August

3-Disc and trowel, if needed, the main fertilizers needed in general to obtain a good yield of 250 kg/ha of ammonium phosphate are recommended to be given to the ground before planting and put under the soil with a disk. 100 kg/ha of nitrogen fertilizer should be given to the ground before planting and 100 kg/ha should be given as a top dressing at the stage when the height of the plants reaches 35-40 cm. It is recommended to use 100 kg of urea fertilizer again after harvesting.

When is the best date to plant fodder sorghum:

The best date to plant fodder sorghum is when the soil temperature reaches 12 degrees Celsius at a depth of 3-4 cm, approximately the second half of August is the most suitable time to plant fodder sorghum in Iranshahr, although it can also be planted in March. The most important yield in the first China is obtained in Iranshahr and the second China does not produce significant fodder. In general, sorghum in Iran is considered a plant for spring cultivation, and in colder regions, the best time to plant it is May.

What is the amount of seed and planting density of fodder sorghum per hectare:

The amount of seed used for different varieties of sorghum varies, but after preparing the seed bed, fodder alfalfa is planted at a distance of 60 cm between the rows and a distance of 6-8 cm between the rows. In general, in light soils with 60 cm row spacing and 8 cm row spacing, 10 kg of seeds per hectare is recommended, and in heavy soils with 60 cm row spacing and 6 cm row spacing, 12 kg of seed per hectare is recommended. Farmers can cultivate sorghum along with grain work. Harvesting should be adjusted based on the height of the plant. For example, in normal conditions, it is harvested at a height of 190 cm in the recommended areas, and the time to reach the mentioned height in the first row may require about 70 days from the time of planting. The second China in Iranshahr may not be economical, but if you want to have a second harvest, the harvest should be done from a height of about 10-15 cm above the ground so that the subsequent growth and tillering is easily possible.

Bag weight 25 kg