Iranian arsley seeds

Delivery date: 1 الی 3 روز کاری

Parsley seeds are small, flat and oval-shaped with a dark brown-black colour. They are crunchy, bittersweet and contain essential oils and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron. Parsley seed oil has a high percentage of natural antioxidants that can help protect the body from oxidative stress.


Parsley is an herbaceous biennial plant in the family Apiaceae grown for its leaves, stems, and seeds. The leaves are used as a flavoring in a variety of cuisines, ranging from Middle Eastern to European cuisines. Its stem can be eaten raw or cooked, used to flavor soups and other dishes. Parsley is high in vitamin K and also contains vitamins A and C, folate, iron, and manganese.

how to grow parsley in farm:

1. Decide on the area you want to plant parsley in and prepare the soil by tilling it to a depth of 8–10 inches. Remove any roots or stones found during tilling, as these can interfere with your attempts at cultivating parsley.


2. Add a 2-inch layer of compost over the area where you plan to plant parsley and work it into the tilled soil with a rake or hoe. This will make sure that your plants have proper nutrients for growth.


3. Sow parsley seed directly onto the prepared soil in rows 12 inches apart from each other, pressing lightly over each spot in which seeds are sown so that they all make secure contact with the soil below them. Keep 1 inch between each seed when sowing for even spacing between existing plants when they sprout up.


4. Water deeply after planting but wait until the top few inches of soil are dry before irrigating again as too much water can cause root rot and plant death; use an irrigation system if available as this provides consistent water levels with minimal effort required on your part.


5. Pull or hoe out any unwanted weeds which appear near your parsley crop and fertilize every five weeks or so using complete balanced fertilizer such as 10-10-10 or 20-20-20; this helps keep your crop vigorous and healthy throughout its season without having to apply more often since too much fertilizing can burn tender roots easily causing stunted growth or plant death outrightly if left unnoticed for long enough periods (longer than two days). Avoid adding manure close to Parsley roots due to high nitrogen content present in most types of manure - this content is detrimental to Parsley's growth in large amounts but beneficial if given in small quantities only every four weeks or so instead; mulch around plants if necessary for weed & pest control utilizing organic materials such as straws, grass clippings etcetera (this also helps lock moisture into the nearby soil keeping plants hydrated far easier than simply watering manually).


6. Harvest mature leaves about four months after initial seeding system either through cuttings (taking just some leaves from individual stalks) or uprooting entire parts of young plants straight up from their root systems depending on what uses are intended with harvested yield afterwards - Parsley plants will continue growing even after harvest which makes them great choices for rotating/intercropping between other seasonal crops as well!


Bag weight 5 kiloo gram
Bag weight ten kg
Bag weight 25 kg